A gracious and compassionate God - mission, salvation and spirituality in the book of Jonah
Unceasing kindness, a biblical theology of Ruth
The testimony of the beloved disciple - narrative, history and theology in the gospel of John
The temple and the church's mission, a biblical theology of the dwelling place of God
The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church
The right doctrine from the wrong texts? essays on the use of the old testament in the new
The Puritan Millennium: Literature and Theology 1550-1682
The Old Testament yesterday and today, essays in honour of Michael P V Barrett
The Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition - atonement, saving faith and the gospel offer in Scotland (1718 - 1799)
Sweeter Than Honey Richer Than Gold: A Guided Study of Biblical Poetry
Meeting Jesus at the Feast, Israel's festivals and the gospel
Imputation and Impartation
Engaging the Written Word of God
Christ and the law: antinomianism and the Westminster aseembly
Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant - the double benefit of Christ
Calvin's theology of the Psalms
Calvin's Teaching On Job, proclaiming the incomprehensible God
Calvin and the Reformed Tradition: On the Work of Christ and the Order of Salvation
After Acts: Exploring the Lives and Legends of the Apostles
One Perfect Life
John Calvin a heart for devotion doctrine & doxology
Face2Face: Paul vol 2, encountering the servant of Christ
Face2Face: Paul vol 1, encountering the apostle & missionary
Face2Face - Sennacherib, encountering Assyria's great & terrifying ruler
Chains of Grace, Peter Jeffery's story
Saul and Sons, decline and fallout in the family of Israel's first king
Jonah - Navigating a God-Centred Life
Face2Face - Tamar, Bathsheba and Tamar - encountering three women with messed up lives
Face2face - Daniel, encountering the Jerusalem exile living in a Babylon world
We died before we came here a true story of sacrifice and hope
Troubled Journey, a missionary childhood in war-torn China