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A world upside down: Four Essays on the Life and Theology of Martin Luther
Andrew Fuller, model pastor-theologian
Awakening The Life and Ministry of Robert Murray McCheyne
Behind Convent Walls
Bitesize Biography - Thomas Cranmer
Chains of Grace, Peter Jeffery's story
Characters in Acts: A Matter of the Heart
Enamoured With Piety: Godliness as the Pervading Theme in the Thought and Ministry of Thomas Watson (C. 1620-1686)
Face2face - Daniel, encountering the Jerusalem exile living in a Babylon world
Face2face - Judas
Face2Face - Sennacherib, encountering Assyria's great & terrifying ruler
Face2Face with Esau, encountering the self-sufficient sportsman
Face2Face with Jeremiah, encountering the weeping prophet
Face2Face: Ezra, encountering God's revival man
Face2Face: Paul vol 1, encountering the apostle & missionary
Face2Face: Paul vol 2, encountering the servant of Christ
George Whitefield A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought
Heaven How I Got Here The Story of the Thief on the Cross
In the Shadow of the Rock: An Autobiography
J. Gresham Machen A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought
John Calvin a heart for devotion doctrine & doxology
Jonah - Navigating a God-Centred Life
Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors: Reading an Old Story in a New Way
Joseph: The Prime Minister
Lessons from the Life of Abraham For Your Life
Looking unto Jesus The Christ-Centered Piety of Seventeenth-Century Baptists
Matthew Henry, his life and influence
Meet Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to America's Greatest Theologian/Philosopher
On the Side of God: The Life and Labors of Andrew Fuller
Pastor-Teachers of Old Princeton, memorial addresses for the faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary, 1812-19201
People in the passion of Jesus