40 Questions about Pastoral Ministry
50 Years of Grace - reflections of preaching, the ministry and the state of the Church
A Labor of Love: Puritan Pastoral Priorities
A Portrait of Paul - identifying a true minister of Christ
Being a Pastor: A conversation with Andrew Fuller
Building a Church Counseling Ministry Without Killing the Pastor - a collaborative model for local churches, pastors and biblical counsellors
Challenging Leaders, Preventing and Investigating Allegations of Pastoral Malpractice
Coping with Criticism, Turning Pain into Blessing
Dear Timothy, letters on pastoral ministry
Facing snarls & scowls, preaching through hostility, apathy and adversity in church revitalization
Fail Finding Hope and Grace in the Midst of Ministry Failure
Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime
Faithful Preaching Declaring Scripture with Responsibility Passion and Authenticity
God the Preacher and Apologist: The Essential Relationship of Presuppositional Apologetics and Expository Preaching
Gospel-Driven Ministry: An Introduction to the Calling and Work of a Pastor
Handle that new call with care - accepting or declining a call to a new congregation
How sermons work
I was sick and you visited me, ministering hope in time of need
Invitation to Biblical Interpretation, 2nd ed., Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology
Keep Your spiritual Edge: Lessons from Andrew Bonar for Ministers Today
Leaving a Career to Follow a Call - a vocational guide to the ordained ministry
Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome
Mea Culpa Learning from Mistakes in the Ministry
On Being A Pastor, understanding our calling and work
Pastoral Theology: Theological Foundations for Who a Pastor is and What He Does
Portraits of a Pastor The 9 Essential Roles of a Church Leader
Preacher's Payday, how faithfulness echoes in eternity
Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament A Guide for the Church
Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace
Preaching for Conversions, paperback
Preaching in the Holy Spirit
Preaching With Spiritual Power Calvin's Understanding of Word and Spirit in Preaching