A Simple Way to Pray
Many Christians struggle with prayer even though it’s an essential part of the Christian life. "What should I pray for?" they may wonder. "How should I pray?" "What if my mind wanders?" "What if I get stuck praying the same thing every day?" When asked by his barber and good friend Peter Beskendorf for some practical guidance on how to pray, Martin Luther responded by writing this brief treatise, first published in 1535. [The] method anchors prayer in the catechism or other biblical texts, but allows the Holy Spirit to prompt thoughts via the Word, which may be chased more freely by the mind at prayer. Readers will find their prayer lives refreshed and invigorated as they become more comfortable raising supplications to God.
Publisher: Concordia Publishing
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780758640338
Martin Luther was a German monk, priest, professor, theologican, and church reformer, whose teachings inspired the Reformation and deeply influenced the doctrines and culture of the Lutheran and Protestant traditions.