On Being A Pastor, understanding our calling and work
The ministry of pastors is not simply a job; it's a vocation and a lifestyle. A pastor's responsibilities are unique, demanding that he not only nurture his own spiritual life but also the lives of those in his care. What a challenge this can be! Derek Prime and Alistair Begg provide practical advice for both the spiritual and practical aspects of pastoral ministry. They delve deep into topics such as prayer, devotional habits, preaching, studying, and specific ministry duties. The result is an essential tool for those in pastoral ministry.
Publisher: Moody
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780802431196
DEREK PRIME was an itinerant minister and writer. A former president of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Church, Mr. Prime served as a pastor for more than 30 years, the last 18 as minister of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh. Among his numerous books are On Being a Pastor, Tell Me About the 10 Commandments, and Tell Me About the Lord’s Prayer. Derek and his wife, Betty, live in Edinburgh, Scotland. ALISTAIR BEGG was born in Scotland and spent the first 30 years of life in the United Kingdom. From there he went to Trent University, London School of Theology, and Westminster Seminary. Following graduation, he served in two Scottish churches, first as an assistant pastor at Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, and then as pastor of Hamilton Baptist Church, Glasgow. Since September of 1983, he has been the senior pastor at Parkside Church in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. During this time he has been increasingly involved in an international ministry of teaching and evangelism.
'On Being a Pastor is an outstanding book, which should be on every pastor's shelf. I have read and consulted the previous version from the pen of Derek Prime for many years. Now it has been revised and enriched with the cooperation of Alistair Begg, and the result is splendid!' Eric Alexander, Retired Pastor, St. George's-Tron Parish Church, Scotland