Sinners in the hands of a good God, reconciling divine judgement and mercy
Are heaven and hell real? How does God's election correspond to our freedom? Why did Jesus have to die? Why doesn't God save everybody? These are questions most believers and seekers have asked, and they are biblically answered by author David Clotfelter. Contrasting the theologies of Jonathan Edwards with George MacDonald, the author reconciles the difficult doctrines of divine judgement and predestination. Sure to be thought-and discussion-provoking message.
Publisher: Moody
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780802481603
DAVID CLOTFELTER (M.A., Yale University; M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University) is Senior Pastor of the Chinese Christian Alliance Church in Northridge, California, and has been involved exclusively in pastoral ministry to Chinese congregations for over 20 years.
One of the most winsome, discerning and compelling presentations of the seriousness of sin and the grace of God. It is among the few potentially life-changing books -- to believe it and live a careless Christian life should be an impossibility. Iain H.Murray, Author and Conference Speaker