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40 questions about baptism and the Lord's supper

John S Hammet

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Appropriate for the student and thoughtful layperson, 40 Questions About Baptism and the Lord's Supper answers forty of the most common and most difficult questions about the two Protestant ordinances. There is significant diversity of views on these subjects and the skilled, evenhanded biblical analysis sheds lights on the many theological and pastoral considerations regarding baptism and communion. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are practiced by almost all Christian churches, but they disagree on the meaning, proper participants, even the proper names for these observances. This book includes the major theological issues (such as infant baptism, open and closed communion, and the nature of God's activity in these celebrations), the views held by different denominations (from Roman Catholic to Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist, and others), and a number of practical issues (such as the proper age at which to baptize a child, the frequency with which the Lord's Supper should be observed, and whether these two practices should be observed only in churches). This volume will be helpful to pastors, worship leaders, college and seminary students, and of interest to all Christians who want to grow in their understanding of these two basic Christian acts of worship. Each chapter is succinct and readable, with footnotes indicating additional sources for those who wish to go further.

Publisher: Kregel
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780825442773


John S. Hammett (Ph.D. in theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; D.Min., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is John L. Dagg Senior Professor of Systematic Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has written several articles for journals and magazines and is author of Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches, co-editor of Those Who Must Give an Account, and contributor to Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement: 3 Views. He was a pastor and missionary before becoming a professor.


Hammet himself is a Baptist. He makes this clear throughout and it can be seen in his evaluation of various viewpoints presented. However, this is not a defense for a Baptistic understanding of baptism and the Lord’s supper. Keeping in line with the nature of the series, Hammet is more concerned with presenting the various theological and practical views of each tradition regarding these practices. His actual critique of various positions is a very minor aspect of the book...Hammet himself is a Baptist. He makes this clear throughout and it can be seen in his evaluation of various viewpoints presented. However, this is not a defense for a Baptistic understanding of baptism and the Lord’s supper. Keeping in line with the nature of the series, Hammet is more concerned with presenting the various theological and practical views of each tradition regarding these practices. His actual critique of various positions is a very minor aspect of the book. Craig Hurst