Ephesians, Alive in Christ
Ephesians is powerful spiritual fuel for every believer! Beginning with the great, heart-warming teaching of the opening chapters, Paul presents the riches the Christian has in the Lord Jesus Christ.Here are inexhaustible ‘heights of love and depths of peace.’ But in addition to rich doctrine this letter has an immensely practical dimension. If you want to know how to live in the twenty-first century world with all its confusing views of truth and reality, Ephesians is the place to go. Stuart Olyott writes with his usual clarity, enabling both the new believer and the more mature Christian to find spiritual refreshment from this sparkling jewel of the New Testament.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780852343159
Stuart Olyott became a minister when he was 21 and has spent his life preaching as simply, seriously and vividly as possible, both in English and French. He has held pastorates in England, Switzerland and Wales, has preached in conferences on every contin