What Jesus is doing now
When it comes to the question of Jesus and what he is doing now, it is obvious that if we are ignorant or unsure about exactly who he is, we will never really understand what he is doing. Before we begin to look at the subject then we need to learn, or at least to brush up on, the matter of just who Christ is.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780852347751
A native of South Wales, Gary Brady has been the pastor of Childs Hill Baptist Church, north-west London, since 1983. He has studied at the University of Wales, in Aberystwyth and Cardiff, and in London at the London Theological Seminary and John Owen Centre. He holds a ThM degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. His other books include What Jesus is doing now, Candle in the Wind (on conscience) and another commentary in this series on Song of Songs.