A vision for mission (Grimwade)
The true author of all missionary activity is the Triune God. He has always been more concerned about this work than we could ever be. Therefore mission work should be seen, first and foremost, as his work not ours. This is the Bible's message from its opening chapters. ('The Lord God called to Adam..."Where are you?") to its closing paragraphs ('The Spirit and the bride say "Come!" ... And let him who is thirsty come... take of the water of life freely.') This insightful, yet refreshingly practical and positive, booklet encourages all local churches to get involved with the glorious task of worldwide mission. The authors bring us again to the biblical principles of mission, and earth their perspectives with helpful insights from the European mission field, past and present. Biblically driven mission must ultimately succeed since it is fired by Christ's love, equipped by God's gospel of redeeming grace, and animated by the Spirit's power.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9780950012957
see book review: https://www.evangelical-times.org/book/a-vision-for-mission/