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God's Word in Servant-form: Abraham Kuyper & Herman Bavinck on the doctrine of scripture

Richard B. Gaffin

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"This study, written for the 100th anniversay of J. Gresham Machen on 28 July 1981, first appeared as a two-part article, uner the title, 'Old Amsterdam and Inerrancy?,' in the Westminster Theological Journal.... It is reprinted here with minor revisions...I offer it here confident that the views of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck on Scriptrure it considers have perennial value for the well-being of Reformed and evangelical theology and church life and so make a singularly important contribution to the crucial debate about Scripture that continues unabated today within evangelical circles, further complicated as they currently are by recently emergent 'post-conservative evangelical' impulses."

Publisher: Reformed Academic Press
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9780980037005


Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., is Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Calvin Collge, Grand Rapids, and he holds his Th.M. and Th.D. degrees from Westminster. He also is the author of Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology, and Perspectives on Pentecost.


This book conveys the insightful ideas of two paragons of modern Reformed Theology on the nature of Scripture. The idea that God's Word is analogous to His incarnation as fully Divine and fully human made me full of awe and wonder. It has far-reaching implications on how we understand the Bible and its relationship to us.
Gaffin provides a careful analysis of the positions of Abraham Kuyper and his most influential student, Herman Bavinck, pertinent to this issue, which helps the reader to get a comprehensive understanding of this aspect of the doctrine of Scripture and understand the nuanced differences between the two men. Jon and Jess