Wellness for the glory of God: living well after 40 with joy and contentment in all life
What Is True Wellness? From dieting cookbooks to workout DVDs, our culture is obsessed with getting healthy and staying fit. But what does true wellness really entail, especially as we get older? In this comprehensive book, a Christian doctor explores the six areas of life that contribute to a holistic vision of health: physical, mental, social, financial, spiritual, and emotional. With questions for personal reflection and group discussion, this book offers older Christians the guidance they need to view aging as an opportunity for continued learning and growth in all areas of life.
Publisher: Crossway
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781433538124
John Dunlop (MD, Johns Hopkins University) serves as an adjunct professor at Trinity International University and practices geriatrics in New Haven, Connecticut, where he is affiliated with Yale School of Medicine. Dunlop is the author of Finishing Well to the Glory of God: Strategies from a Christian Physician and Wellness for the Glory of God: Living Well After 40 with Joy and Contentment in All of Life.
“Dr. Dunlop speaks from a wealth of personal experience as a beloved physician to countless older people, watching them live and die well—and poorly. A lifelong and careful study of the Bible has given him an invaluable perspective on how to ‘run with endurance the race that is set before us.’ We long to keep up, and even to excel, but how? If you want a wealth of biblically sound and immensely practical strategies for staying well, you’ve come to the right place. This book is a treasure!” John F. Kilner, Professor Emeritus of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School