Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 4: Church and Last Things
Reformed Systematic Theology explores key Scripture topics from biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical perspectives, helping readers grow in their understanding and application of the truth presented in God’s Word. Written by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, each volume presents a comprehensive yet accessible study of the Reformed Christian faith that ministers to the whole person―head, heart, and hands. The final volume, Church and Last Things, unpacks important topics around ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church) and eschatology (the doctrine of last things), including the biblical significance of church membership, Jesus’s model for the church, and 7 practical lessons from Revelation.
Publisher: Crossway
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781433559952
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) has written over one hundred books. He is chancellor and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; the editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; the board chairman of Reformation Heritage Books; the president of Inheritance Publishers; and the vice president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. Paul M. Smalley (DD, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is faculty research and teaching assistant to Joel Beeke at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is also a part-time pastor at Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and previously served for twelve years as a Baptist pastor in churches in the midwestern United States.
“With volume 4 of Reformed Systematic Theology, Joel Beeke and his faithful theological Barnabas, Paul Smalley, bring to completion their remarkable gift to the church—not only in the United States but also throughout the world. They are to be congratulated for fulfilling the great desideratum of a systematic theology textbook that serves many levels of readership. Balanced in its approach (addressed to both mind and heart), it is rich in its content (both biblical and doctrinal) and comprehensive in its coverage (some five thousand pages of exposition). In addition—to adapt some words of the church fathers from a different context—it is splendidly presented in a style that will enable the theological elephant to swim in it while Christian lambs can happily wade. Following in the footsteps of Paul the theologian, the authors have succeeded in imparting their ‘spiritual gift’ to strengthen us. Their work, too, will surely ‘reap some harvest’ (Rom. 1:11, 13).” Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries