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Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives

ed Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, John R. Muether

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Just as two bookends hold together a row of books, the covenant of works and the covenant of grace hold together the storyline of Scripture. Join a host of twenty-six scholars, including O. Palmer Robertson, Michael J. Kruger, and Scott R. Swain, as they explore how the concept of covenant is clearly taught in Scripture and how it lays the foundation for other doctrines of salvation. This monumental work is Trinitarian, eschatological, historical, confessional, and practical, presenting readers with a great hope and consolation: the covenant-making God is a covenant-keeping God.

Publisher: Crossway
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781433560033


Guy Prentiss Waters (PhD, Duke University) is James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson. He is the author or editor of fifteen books and numerous chapters, articles, and reviews. He is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). J. Nicholas Reid (DPhil, University College, University of Oxford) is associate professor of Old Testament and ancient Near Eastern studies, as well as the director of the hybrid MDiv program at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando. He is also a contributor to the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Reid and his wife, Blair, live in the greater Orlando area with their four children. He is a member of St Paul’s Presbyterian Church. John R. Muether (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) serves as dean of libraries and professor of church history at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando. Muether previously served as librarian at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has authored and coauthored several books, most notably Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman. John and his wife, Kathy, have four children and six grandchildren. He is an elder at Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Oviedo, Florida.


“It has been said that Reformed theology is covenant theology, for covenant is not merely a doctrine or theme in the Bible but is the principle that structures all its revelation. Robert Rollock said, ‘God speaks nothing to man without the covenant.’ Therefore, it is a delight to see this amazing scholarly collaboration by the faculty of Reformed Theological Seminary, which will surely prove to be a sourcebook for future studies of Reformed covenant theology. Here is a gold mine of biblical and historical studies by trusted pastor-theologians of Christ’s church.” Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan