Unchanging witness the constant christian teaching on homosexuality in scripture and tradition
The church is going through a time of severe fracture over the issue of homosexuality. This book addresses the arguments from the gay Christian movement and revisionist theologians and exegetes on a single point: Can they withstand the evidence of the primary sources? In Unchanging Witness, Donald Fortson and Rollin Grams articulate the consistent orthodox view on homosexuality by presenting primary sources throughout Christian history and by interpreting the biblical texts in their cultural contexts. The first part of the book examines church history from the patristic period to the present day, and the second part engages biblical texts in light of Ancient Near Eastern, Jewish, Greek, and Roman primary sources. Throughout, the authors survey the conflicting and changing arguments of revisionist readings and contend that, in light of the overwhelming evidence of the relevant texts, the real issue is not one of interpretation but of biblical authority and Christian orthodoxy.
Publisher: B & H
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781433687921
S. Donald Fortson III (Ph.D., Westminister Theological Seminary) is professor of Church History and Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary.
An incredibly timely book expertly countering the arguments of revisionist scholars who have forsaken biblical sexual ethics due to societal pressures. Well written and heavy on primary source material S. Donald Fortson the 3rd and Rollin G. Grams take us on an journey through the biblical cultural background of the New testament, and then through Church history, and finally through the scriptures, refuting the arguments of revisionist scholars along the way. For anyone who wants to know what the scriptures teach concerning homosexuality, and what was affirmed for over 2000 years of Church history, through schisms and reformations, this book is a must have. Jacob Brown