How Could a Loving God Send anyone to Hell?
The question of whether God can be loving and send people to hell is one people have been asking for a long time. Surely a God who sends people to hell cannot love them? Starting with a look at who God is and how we relate to Him, Benjamin Skaug looks at the difficult topic of hell, and what the Bible says about it.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527104730
Benjamin M. Skaug is Provost and Vice President for Academic Administration and Associate Professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
The historic Christian doctrine of hell raises eyebrows, scorn, and sometimes tempers. It is usually avoided or marginalized, since it might feel too embarrassing to believe in hell in such a tolerant society. For downright honest people, though, hell raises questions. … Those genuinely seeking answers will find help here. Christopher Morgan, Dean of the School of Christian Ministries and Professor of Theology, California Baptist University, Riverside, California