Track: Worldview, A Student’s Guide to Worldview
We all view the world through a certain lens. Depending on our upbringing, geography, experiences and a whole host of other influences, we will see life a certain way. Our understanding of truth, justice, love, and good and evil is shaped by what we hear and are taught. Using real–life stories and poignant historical overviews, Sharon James writes to equip the next generation with the wisdom needed to think through some of the most divisive cultural issues of our day.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527108431
Sharon James has written several books, and has spoken in conferences in many parts of the world. She studied history at Cambridge University, theology at Toronto Baptist Seminary, and has a doctorate from the University of Wales. Sharon is married to Bil
Track: Worldview is an outstanding example of what it means to understand deeply in order to explain simply. The church owes Sharon James a great debt of thanks for the way she has worked through issue after issue in order to illustrate how Jesus is the rock and the world is sinking sand. Speaking personally, this resource has already been a great help, as I struggle away trying to teach my growing kids the faith at the breakfast table. Sharon has even put the key words I need in bold! Rico Tice, Author, Christianity Explored & Associate Minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London