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Hymn Workouts, 100 Exercises to Set Your Heart Ablaze

Joe Barnard

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Many of us feel like our spiritual growth has stalled. Our routines have hardened into ruts. Around us, we see other Christians with the same struggles and we start to think that treading water is the basic rhythm of the Christian life. Often the problem of stagnating faith is down to one simple fact – we all have a bias towards ease. Our spiritual routines involve passively reading our Bibles, not lingering long enough to comprehend or retain what was read, and a few distracted minutes spent in prayer. This book of spiritual workouts is meant to push complacent souls back out into the space of exertion and discovery. It will engage and sharpen the faculties of the mind – memory, imagination, intellect, conscience and will. Each workout, thematically grouped, features a hymn, richly steeped in scripture. There is a Bible passage to read, a list of the scripture references made in the hymn, and three reflection questions to meditate on.

Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527108929


Joe Barnard is the pastor of Holyrood Evangelical Church in Edinburgh and the executive director of Cross Training Ministries, a discipleship ministry focused on training men in spiritual fitness. He is also the author of ‘The Way Forward: a Road Map of Spiritual Growth for Men in the 21st Century’. Joe is married to Anna. They have four children.


Fitness doesn’t happen by accident – physically or spiritually. In this book, Joe Barnard gives the equivalent of 100 spiritual WODs (workout of the day) that will stretch and challenge anyone willing to do them. These workouts are valuable in every respect (1 Tim. 4:8). Pick one up and get after it! Tyrell Haag, Senior Pastor, Pineland Baptist Church, Burlington, Ontario, Canada