The Kingdom–Minded Pastor, How Pastoral Partnership Advances the Kingdom
Joel Littlefield wants to see God at work in his community, and invites other pastors to share the vision: for men, women and children to surrender to the lordship of Christ through the regenerating work of the Spirit; for new churches to be planted and declining churches revitalised; for congregations to be about the work of making disciples of Christ. Pastors with this gospel–minded mindset can be hugely helped in this way: by forming coalitions with other like–minded local pastors. Littlefield argues that in cultivating friendships and fellowship with one another, pastors will not only build one another up, but will benefit their own churches, and the work of the gospel in their local community. With very practical guidance on how to go about forming these alliances for joint action, Littlefield helps identify the important qualities to look for in coalition members, and inspires readers to see how leading by example is crucial, and being a disciple is as important as making disciples. A short read, filled with wisdom and encouragement for the pastor who feels alone, discouraged, or like ministry might be better shoulder to shoulder with their brothers.
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527111707
Joel and his family planted New City Church in Bath, Maine where he has been the lead pastor since 2017. He has been married to his wife Callie since 2003, and together they have 4 children. Joel is a regional leader for The Pillar Network, a SEND Network church planter trainer, and the author of ‘Beeline to the Cross: For Salvation and all of Life’.
‘The kingdom of Christ is bigger than your church, pastor. Joel Littlefield’s enthusiasm for pastors partnering together just may point you to a crucial aspect of kingdom ministry you’ve missed.’ Jonathan Leeman, Editorial Director, 9Marks