Why Did the Exodus Happen?
God’s people had been in slavery in Egypt for hundreds of years. But God had promised their ancestors that the people of Israel would have their own land someday. So, they cried out to God and he heard them and rescued them. He used a shepherd and his brother to lead a nation of slaves in opposition to the most powerful ruler of the world’s most powerful kingdom. Homeschool mom and curriculum developer, Danika Cooley, invites readers to know the God who never breaks his promises, who has power over all things, and who rescues his people. The Who, What, Why series explores the lives, concepts, and movements that have shaped the lives of God’s people throughout history. Featuring engaging narrative, beautiful illustrations and a timeline of key dates, this
Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781527111769
Danika Cooley (ThinkingKidsBlog.org) is an award–winning author and Bible curriculum developer. The homeschool mother of four graduated from the University of Washington. Bible Road Trip™ and ‘Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible’ are used by families around the globe.
‘Engaging, accurate, and compelling, Danika does a beautiful job weaving stories of the Old Testament with Gospel truths found in the New Testament. Thank you, Danika, for pointing children toward Jesus Christ through a better understanding of His Word!’ Linda Lacour Hobar, Author, ‘The Mystery of History’