Leaving a Career to Follow a Call - a vocational guide to the ordained ministry
Michael A. Milton (PhD, Wales) is President and Professor of Practical Theology of Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina. An ordained Presbyterian (PCA) minister, Milton's pastoral record includes serving as Senior Minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga, TN, planting two churches (Kansas, Georgia) and founding a Christian school (Westminster Academy, Overland Park, KS). Dr. Milton resides with his wife and son in the Charlotte area.
Publisher: Wipf & Stock
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781579103477
Michael A. Milton (Ph.D., University of Wales; MPA, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MDiv, Knox Theological Seminary; postgraduate certification, higher education teaching, Harvard University) is a Presbyterian minister (ARP, PCA), educator, retired Army Chaplain (Colonel), composer, and author of more than thirty books.