The Law of Kindness Serving with Heart and Hands
"And be ye kind to another," begins Ephesians 4:32. Christians are called to this standard, but how seriously do we take it? In The Law of Kindness, Mary Beeke examines the idea of kindness, shows how it is developed, and gives helpful advice for putting it into action, with specific chapters addressed to wives, husbands, parents, teachers, and children. Readers will be struck by their own lack of kindness, captivated by God's kindness toward us in Jesus Christ, and motivated to cultivate more of this precious virtue.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601780294
Mary Beeke is the wife of Dr. Joel Beeke and the mother of Calvin, Esther, and Lydia. She has served as a registered nurse and an elementary teacher, and has her M.A.T. in learning disabilities from Calvin College. Since 1989, she has been a homemaker and a pastor's wife.
“Kindness is in short supply in the twenty-first century not only in the culture but often in the church as well. Mary Beeke has done us a great service in addressing this basic Christian virtue in an embracive and engaging manner. Her knowledge of the Scripture and her personal experiences combine to illustrate the content in a helpful and practical fashion. The book’s compelling attraction is the uncomplicated, effortless way she engages her subject. Everyone will profit from reading The Law of Kindness.' Dr. James Grier