How can i stop worrying?
We all worry. Although many of our worries are never realized, we continue to live with daily anxiety, constantly fearing the present and the future—things that are or things that never will be. In How Can I Stop Worrying?, Gerald M. Bilkes examines God’s gracious path for trading anxiety for a deep peace through Jesus Christ that can fortify and guard us, regardless of our circumstances, in a way that brings glory to God.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601786425
Gerald M. Bilkes is professor of New Testament and biblical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids.
“Tender and sympathetic, yet convicting and challenging. Dr. Bilkes skillfully walks the fine line between merely coddling us in our worry and only condemning us for it. While sensitive to the influences of our different backgrounds, experiences, personalities, and constitutions, he carefully applies one of the most wonderful promises in the Bible to one of the most debilitating habits of modern life.” David Murray, professor of Old Testament and practical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids