The beauty and glory of the last things
We live in a challenging cultural moment; there are reasons for great alarm and concern in society around us and it’s easy to lose heart. Yet the Christian hope of the last things, so wonderfully disclosed in the Scriptures and so certainly embodied in our risen Savior, is a beacon of beauty and glory shining on our way as we traverse the ugly and the gloomy. In this book, you will encounter encouraging messages that address the end times from a variety of perspectives (exegetically, topically, historically, and experientially).
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: hardback
ISBN: 9781601787064
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Gr
“There have been times in the church’s history when the study of last things has been in vogue; the present day is not one of them. Hence, the vital necessity of this latest collection of essays, for the key events at the end of history, the triumph of Christ, and the cosmic establishment of the glorious city of God are central to the Bible’s historical narrative. This book is a great wake-up call to ponder afresh the great events that lie ahead and live lives of godly beauty in the light of them.” —Michael A. G. Haykin, chair and professor of church history, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary