A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the Trinity
Dr. Ryan McGraw peels back the curtain on how the Trinity forms the foundation for everything from evangelism to corporate worship. As he follows the Trinitarian shape of Scripture, McGraw brings this heavenly doctrine down to earth for the average Christian to experience. These 31 meditations trace the biblical storyline, drawing us closer to the blessed persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781601789327
Ryan M. McGraw is the Morton H. Smith Professor of Systematic Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He has written more than 10 books in RHB’s “Cultivating Biblical Godliness” series.
“The doctrine of the Trinity is nuanced, difficult, and crucial. ‘The verbal expression of the Trinity is the most difficult job man has had to do,’ J. I. Packer once said. Ryan McGraw has served the church well by directly answering the critics who accuse Trinitarian Christians of philosophizing rather than theologizing, of speculating rather than expositing. He provides a verse by verse, text by text scriptural exposition of the historic doctrine of the Trinity, its formulation, careful expression, and practical application.” Terry L. Johnson, author of The Excellencies of God: Exploring and Enjoying His Attributes