Patience, Waiting with Hope
Do you dread being forced to wait? Does a summons to patience sound like a call to bitter endurance? It’s not. This neglected virtue is the powerful and diligent practice of godliness in daily life—we are called to be faithful over time just as God is faithful to us. These thirty-one devotional readings will reshape your perspective on patience, pointing you to Jesus Christ as your ultimate example and showing you how to cultivate and appreciate patience amid the frustrations, challenges, and longings that you experience every day.
Publisher: P & R
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781629958118
Megan Hill is a pastor's daughter and a pastor's wife. She lives with her husband and four children in Massachusetts, where she is a member of West Springfield Covenant Community Church (PCA). She is the author of several books and the managing editor for
“Patience may be the most misunderstood and undervalued fruit of the Spirit. . . . This devotional gently unleashes the life-changing power of Scripture.” Paul Tautges, Author, Anxiety: Knowing God’s Peace