Help! My Parents Abused Me When I Was a Kid
A mini-book that helps adults to relate to their previously abusive parent(s). Christians who experienced abuse from their parents when they were children yet want to obey God’s call to honor their parents face a dilemma. How can they show forgiveness and attempt reconciliation, while at the same time deal with their instinctive responses and protect themselves from further abuse? Joshua Zeichik uses biblical examples to explore right and wrong responses to abuse, before suggesting practical steps that honor God and lead towards freedom, peace, and joy.
Publisher: Shepherd Press
Type: Booklet
ISBN: 9781633421523
Joshua Zeichik, BA and MA in biblical counseling from The Master’s University, has been in youth ministry, church planting, and counseling in the local church since 2008. He is an ACBC certified counselor and currently resides in Colorado Springs with his wife, Harmony, and their two children.
‘This book is a great resource for counselors or those who have grown up in abusive homes. Great spiritual and practical advice and encouragement on how to take your past and learn from it while applying biblical principles.’ JoyfulintheMountains