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The Why, The What, and The How of Church Membership

Wayne Mack

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Should you commit yourself to membership in a local church? Isn’t just being a Christian enough? Anyhow, where does the Bible say that we have to become members of a church… why can’t I just attend and get involved? These are very important questions that demand an answer, especially in the casual age that we’re living in. Dr. Wayne Mack brings his years of experience as a Bible teacher, pastor, and counselor to this very controversial topic. His answers are straightforward and clear: YES! You must become a church member if you’re to be obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ and the clear teaching of the New Testament. NO! Being a “lone wolf” Christian is not enough; you must join with a local body of believers in a church that teaches sound doctrine. NO! You cannot just “attend and get involved” without the benefit of church membership; you must have church elders that can guide you, and that you must submit to. Dr. Mack thus argues conclusively and clearly for church membership. This is a book all Christians should read, whether members or non-members of a local church—and one that every pastor should hand out to his congregation!

Publisher: Shepherd Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781633422889


Wayne Mack‘s biblical counseling career has spanned over fifty years. In that time, he has served as a pastor, teacher, professor, writer, global speaker, trainer, and most of all, counselor. Dr. Mack is a graduate of Wheaton College, Philadelphia Seminar


“At a time when church attendance and adherence is in decline, this book sounds a clarion call that church membership is normative for all Christians. Dr. Mack marshals biblical exegesis and sound theological reasoning to make a case for the importance of being part of a local church. I have never met a growing, thriving, mature Christian who was not part of a local fellowship of believers. Christ is still building His church.” Tedd Tripp: Pastor Emeritus, Author, Conference Speaker