Darkest Night, Brightest Day - a family devotional for easter season
Marty Machowski's Darkest Night Brightest Day shows families how Easter morning turned the world upside down and right side up. Start a new Easter season tradition with your family by reading this beautifully illustrated ""upside down"" book that includes fourteen Bible stories for Passion and Easter weeks. Begin on Palm Sunday with the first side, Darkest Night, which has seven stories that recount the events of Passion week, ending with Christ's crucifixion and burial. Flip the book over on Easter morning and continue by reading Brightest Day, featuring seven more stories that progress from Christ's resurrection to his ascension and Pentecost. Machowski weaves the four Gospel accounts together into one harmonized story and provides questions for family discussion. Children are sure to remember the contrast between the darkness at the death of our Lord and the light-filled events from Christ's resurrection onward.
• This beautiful hardback book, illustrated by Phil Schorr, is sure to become a treasuredfamily favorite to be used every Easter.
• Designed for families to read one story each day for two weeks, beginning Palm Sunday.
• Targeted to families with preschool and grade school children but can used in family devotionals with teens as well.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781645072089
Marty Machowski is a Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, where he has served on the pastoral staff for over thirty years. He is the author of The Gospel Story Bible, Long Story Short, Old Story New, the Gospel Sto
"Nothing is more important than introducing our children to Jesus. Nothing is more vital to know about Jesus than his death and resurrection. In Darkest Night Brightest Day Marty Machowski has given us a beautiful, thoughtful, user-friendly tool for guiding our children (and ourselves!) to Jesus in a reflective, worshipful observance of Holy Week and Easter week." John Kitchen, Author; pastor of the International Church of Slemani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq