The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference, 2nd Edition
Dr. Charles Hodges Jr. and a team of contributing physicians, health care professionals, and biblical counselors answer questions and offer solid biblical principles about counseling individuals with medical issues and address a variety of specific problems. Biblical counselors and pastors often have questions when a counselee is struggling with a mixture of physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. The Christian Counselor’s Medical Desk Reference 2nd Edition helps counselors understand how some medical conditions impact counseling needs. Inspired by Dr. Bob Smith’s first edition, this book will help to guide counselors in offering specific reminders of gospel truth to counselees as they journey the road ahead. The first section offers guidance for the extra challenges inherent with certain medical diagnoses. The second section examines the challenges associated with a variety of physical and mental conditions such as autoimmune disorders, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, and more, helping counselors better understand the specific counseling needs that often accompany each condition.
• Written by an experienced team of doctors and health care professionals with biblical counseling experience.
• Learn about specific conditions along with how to counsel beyond labels and address the whole person.
• Gain confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture to bring hope and help to sufferers.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781645072317
Charles Hodges, MD, is a family physician. He is a graduate of Indiana School of Medicine and also received an MA in Counseling and MA in Religion from Liberty University. He is the executive director of Vision of Hope, a counselor and instructor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry, and a fellow for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He is the author of Good Mood, Bad Mood: Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder, a contributing author of Caring for the Souls of Children, and editor of The Christian Counselor’s Medical Desk Reference, 2nd Edition. He and his wife, Helen, have four children, thirteen grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter.
“A biblical understanding of anthropology requires an understanding and knowledge of both the spiritual and physical makeup of man. Both play a vital role in helping the whole person as a counselee for the Christian counselor. Dr. Charles Hodges and other eminently qualified Christian medical professionals have combined together to provide an invaluable resource for counselors. This book should be an excellent resource for every Christian counselor who desires to be wise in making decisions of how best to counsel both body and soul. I highly recommend this wonderful resource.” John D. Street, Chair, Graduate Studies in Biblical Counseling, The Master’s University & Seminary; President of the board, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)