Be Well: Learning to Steward Your Health
Would you like to take better care of your body but aren’t sure what to do? Focusing on our souls doesn’t mean we should neglect taking care of our bodies. But often we are so busy caring for others and keeping to our schedules that we think we can’t fit in one more thing! Lainey Greer helps us see that the body matters to God and Christians are called to be faithful stewards of our physical health. Our faith should inform both our spiritual and physical practices, as we are immaterial (spirit) and material (physical) beings. Taking care of our bodies by adopting healthy habits is one way we reflect their value. Learn how healthy nutrition, sufficient rest, proactive stress management, and proper exercise are all ways to honor God and remain equipped for his service.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781645072713
Lainey Greer, PhD, is a speaker and author whose passion revolves around theology and the physical body. Years of theological education, personal training, and church ministry provide her the unique ability to connect doctrine to everyday life. Lainey enjoys watching college football, hiking, and cooking in her down time. She is the author of Be Well: Learning to Steward Your Health and runs the blog, Forsaken Body.
“Our church has been using the minibooks by New Growth Press for many years, and we have almost every title produced. In our church’s counseling ministry, the clear, concise, and gospel-centered message of these minibooks has proven to be a useful tool for our counselors to help to bring about true heart change with their counselees…One of the most attractive aspects of these minibooks is that they are ideal for people who don’t want to take the time to read an entire book but still want to get practical and sound biblical guidance on a particular area of struggle. We also find these resources particularly helpful for those who may be reluctant to ask for help on a topic that may be of a sensitive nature. We are grateful for these minibooks and how God is using them in the lives of so many in our church family.” Kris Hemphill, SoulCare Supervisor