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The Bold Evangelist: The Life and Ministry of Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon

Priscilla Wong

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Many associate the names George Whitefield and John Wesley with the eighteenth-century Evangelical Revival, while the name Selina Hastings, the Countess of Huntingdon, is less familiar. But this remarkable woman played a crucial role in the revival in Europe, interacting and forming friendships with many of its key players. The Countess leveraged her wealth and high position in English society to widen the evangelistic impact of the revival. Her sacrifices would ultimately see, among her many efforts, the establishment of over 60 chapels and a college for training ministers.

Readers will be encouraged not only by how steadfastly Selina laboured but also by how she persevered in the face of illness, the deaths of her husband and children, and devastating setbacks in her gospel ministry. Yet trusting wholeheartedly in Christ her Saviour—and not the vanity and riches prized by her aristocratic peers—Selina lived out a faith characterized by boldness, zeal, and love. One evangelical leader described her influence: “I feel from Lady Huntingdon’s example an increasing desire both for myself and for you and all our friends that we may be active and eminent in the life of grace.”

Publisher: H & E publishing
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781774840160


Priscilla Wong and her husband, Lee, are attending Sovereign Grace Church. She has a Master of Theological Studies degree from Toronto Baptist Seminary and is the author of Anne Steele and Her Spiritual Vision: Seeing God in the Peaks, Valleys and Plateaus of Life (Reformation Heritage Books). She is a homeschooling mom of three children.


“It’s almost impossible to read an account of eighteenth-century Christianity without encountering the name of Selina Hastings. While her greatest influence was in England, her desire to see the gospel spread to every nation brought her in contact with Christians in many continents. Many well-known preachers acknowledged a debt of gratitude to the countess for the extent of their ministry. And yet, today, her story is still not widely known. In this fascinating biography, Priscilla Wong explores primary sources to unveil many facets of the countess’ life, helping readers to understand her faith, dreams, and challenges as a woman, wife, mother, friend, evangelist, church planter, and benefactor. Readers will form a close bond with this exceptional woman and be inspired to set their eyes on the same Christ that had captivated her life.” Simonetta Carr, Author of Questions Women Asked and the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series