The Precious Blood: The Benefits of the Atonement of Christ
The phrase “blood of Christ” is used many times throughout the New Testament and is the expression of the sacrificial death and full atoning work of Jesus Christ on the behalf of sinners. It’s a phrase that has gone out of vogue in the past several decades, but serves as the penultimate illustration of the means of our atonement and the basis of the New Covenant. While the blood of bulls and goats were a “reminder” of sin, “the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet 1:9) paid in full the death of sin we owe to God, and we need no further sacrifices for sin. This small book will explore 9 benefits of the blood of Christ for the believer.
Publisher: H & E publishing
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781774840863
Dustin Benge (MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is managing director of Unashamed Truth. He and his wife, Molli, live in Louisville, Kentucky.
"Not since John Murray's classic book Redemption Accomplished and Applied has there been a more readily accessible, doctrinally rich, and beautifully written work than what Dustin Benge has offered us in The Precious Blood. Discussions pertaining to the blood of Christ have been slowly sidelined over the years in contradiction to the timeless teaching of Scripture. Dustin wants to bring this discussion back into the light and shine it warmly on the hearts of those who need it most. I'm deeply grateful for this book and truly believe it will serve the Christian both doctrinally and devotionally." Nate Pickowicz, teaching pastor, Harvest Bible Church, Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire.