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Brother Andrew, Behind Enemy Lines

Nancy Drummond

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In the years before Andrew van der Bijl took the name Brother Andrew, he was no stranger to adventure and intrigue - in fact, he craved it. As a young lad, he was forever getting into mischief, and even risked his life during the Nazi occupation of Holland by setting off fireworks in the faces of German soldiers! Years later, God used this same thirst for danger and excitement as Andrew smuggled Bibles into Communist countries to help the persecuted, underground church and bring light to darkened hearts. Enemy lines and hostile borders mean nothing to God or to Andrew, who still works to assist the persecuted church across the world through the organization he founded, Open Doors.

Publisher: Christian Focus
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781781912973


Nancy Drummond lived and ministered with her parents who were missionaries in Jamaica before beginning a career in education. She is now a wife and mother and has spent many years as a Sunday School teacher. Nancy currently serves as a teacher and leader


I read this story to my boys (aged nearly-10 and 11) this past week as a part of our studies on Communist Russia and Communist China. They were fascinated by every aspect of the story. After all, what isn’t there for a boy to love? There’s war, a miraculous healing, danger and intrigue, smuggling, and the mighty hand of God. My 10-year-old had this to say: “I liked the part when he (Brother Andrew) put the Bibles right next to him (one the seat at customs) and went through (the border crossing). The guy didn’t give him a hard time. God can do anything. … (Andrew’s) faith was just amazing. He placed Bibles right next to him, just to show it was clearly God. And it worked.” My 11-year old said: “The border crossings were very intense. It showed how great God is. (Andrew’s) sense of adventure was very interesting.” Indeed, Brother Andrew’s repeated success would have been impossible if not for God’s sovereign hand on his missions. Time and again, the Lord made seeing eyes blind as they failed to witness the Bibles Andrew smuggled to his brothers and sisters in Christ. The story of this amazing man is both inspiring and faith-building. Nancy Drummond does a wonderful job telling Brother Andrew’s story. The book includes a timeline and devotional questions for each chapter. This narrative biography aimed at 8-14 year olds is a must-read for families! Danika Cooley