Exalted Above the Heavens: The Risen and Ascended Christ
Christians usually focus on what Jesus has done (his life, death and resurrection) and what he will do (his second coming and eternal reign). While there has been something of a revival of interest in his ascension, studies of Jesus in his exalted state are relatively rare. However, the Christ that Christians trust in, relate to and love is not only the one who lived, died, rose and will come again: he is also currently seated at God’s right hand. Christian faith as well as theological reflection must take into consideration this significant aspect of Christ’s person and work. Peter Orr attends to this somewhat neglected topic in biblical theology. He explores the New Testament witness to Jesus as he is now, the exalted Christ, through the lenses of his identity, his location and his activity.
Publisher: IVP
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781783597482
Peter C. Orr is lecturer in New Testament at Moore College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of Christ Absent and Present: A Study in Pauline Christology.
‘Instead of … using the synthetic and analytic categories of systematic theology, Dr Orr largely confines himself to the categories deployed by the biblical writers themselves. Written with verve and clarity, this book promises not only to bring sharper thinking to a rather confused domain of Christology, but also to invite us to deeper adoration as we contemplate overlooked characteristics of our triune God.’ D. A. Carson