The pastor's soul, the call and care of an undershepherd
David Murray writes in the Foreword: ’The minister’s soul is the soul of his ministry.’ I can’t remember where I first heard this saying, but I’ve never been able to forget it. And, having read this book, I never want to forget it. In these pages, Jim Savastio and Brian Croft establish the foundation of all faithful and fruitful ministry—the pastor’s soul. But, although their main target is the epidemic of ministerial hyper-activity and the accompanying burnout, backsliding, and brokenness, they carefully avoid over-reacting and running to the opposite extremes of monkish withdrawal or lazy self-indulgence. Instead, you have a book that skillfully walks a balanced biblical path in both content and style. It balances self and others. Yes, the pastor is all about serving others, about sacrificing for the sake of others, about spending and being spent for others, and about pouring out themselves to fill others. But, as many pastors have discovered to their cost and pain, servants are finite, sacrifices eventually turn to ashes, non-stop spending leads to bankruptcy, and pouring out without ever filling up ends in drought. This book reminds us that caring for self is not selfish but necessary if we are to sustain a life of caring service to others. It’s not a warrant for sloth or selfishness, but rather a call to self-care that will lead to better other-care.
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781783972388
Brian Croft is Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church and Founder of Practical Shepherding. He is also the Senior Fellow of the Mathena Center for Church Revitalization at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has written or contributed to over twenty books on pastoral ministry. He is married to Cara and they have four children. Jim Savastio has been one of the pastors of The Reformed Baptist Church of Louisville, KY since 1991. He is also the President of the Board of Directors at Practical Shepherding. He is married to Becky and they have four children.
…this warm and lively book should prompt spiritual longevity and prosperity in God’s servants, and therefore help bring God’s blessings to those they serve. Jeremy Walker, Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church