Building a Church Counseling Ministry Without Killing the Pastor - a collaborative model for local churches, pastors and biblical counsellors
If you are a pastor/elder or a biblical counselor who wants to help the local church to fulfill Christ's Great Commission, this book is for you. Full of practical and helpful advice as well as case studies for both pastors and biblical counselors, it also suggests ways to develop biblical counseling in your church and provides a model for sharing counseling resources through a group of like-minded churches. This is a vital tool in the pastor's toolbox!
Publisher: Day One
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846253539
Sue Nicewander is the NANC-certified executive director, biblical counselor, and discipleship-development instructor with Biblical Counseling Ministries, Inc. (BCM). Sue has a BA in biblical counseling from Trinity Bible College in Newburg, IN, and an MA in biblical counseling from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth (Minneapolis), MN. A women's ministry leader for over thirty years and biblical counselor for more than eighteen years, Sue counsels, writes, speaks, and teaches, providing a counseling resource for small local churches. Sue and her husband, Jim, have two daughters and six grandchildren.
Building a Church Counseling Ministry Without Killing the Pastor presents a wonderful vision for cooperation by local churches of like mind in helping people through the Word of God. The author first gives an overview of biblical counseling and then explains practically how a biblical counseling ministry can be developed. While her emphasis is upon local churches in a region cooperative in such a ministry, there is much in this book which would benefit every kind of biblical counseling ministry whether a counseling center, or a church staff based counseling ministry. The author is very practical and incredibly thorough. She thinks of everything! If you are involved in a biblical counseling ministry or if you are considering starting one, you will greatly benefit from this book. Dr. Jim Newheiser, NANC Fellow, Pastor and Director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship, Escondido, California