All you need to know about the Bible book 1 can we trust it
The first book in this series presents an overview of the great theme of the entire Bible. Whether we follow the promise of God to send a Saviour for the human race, or trace the history of God’s chosen people, everywhere the Bible is pointing to Jesus the Messiah and then, in the New Testament, how the Messiah prepares for the future of his church. Some of the remarkable prophecies of the Bible – a significant problem for the critics – are examined in the second chapter. A chapter is devoted to the evidence of eyewitness accounts and how the Bible reveals itself as an authentic record of events that really happened. Which leads to the seemingly unnecessary question: ‘Did Jesus really live?’ Unfortunately, it is a question asked more now than ever before, although the answer is simple and decisive. There is not a single text in the first few centuries that questions the reality of the life and death of Jesus. Roman and Jewish historians and pagan philosophers and sceptics refer to the life of Jesus. They may doubt his resurrection and ridicule his miracles, but no one questioned that he really lived.
Publisher: Day One
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781846255847
Brian H. Edwards is a Christian Author, Lecturer and Teacher based in the United Kingdom. Brian is married to Rosie.
His over twenty books include historical biographies, Christian theology and apologetics. He is also chairman of Christian Prison Resourcing. His wider ministry includes preaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad.
Brian Edwards is the go to author about the bible.