All you need to know about the Bible book 4 a journey from then and now
The fourth book in this series, begins by tracing the story of how a few attempts had been made to translate parts of the Bible into the English language until John Wycliffe and his team, late in the fourteenth century, translated the whole Bible from the Latin Vulgate. This was therefore a translation from a translation and, since the printing press has not yet reached Europe, every book had to be copied out by hand. Nevertheless, the Lollards, as these early evangelicals were known, bravely carried Wycliffe’s Bibles with them as they preached across the land; many died for their courage, but the fire of the Reformation had been lit. In 1526 William Tyndale presented the world with its first New Testament printed in English and translated from the original Greek. The Reformation in England now had God’s written authority for its gospel of justification by faith alone — and in a language that even the ploughboy could understand. Ten years later, after vigorous persecution and the sacrifice of many translators, printers, distributors and readers of the Bible, Henry VIII ordered every church to display a copy of the complete Bible in English. This was only the beginning of the story of our English Bible. Book four surveys some of the most significant translations up to, and including, the King James Authorised Version in 1611.
Publisher: Day One
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781846255878
Brian H. Edwards is a Christian Author, Lecturer and Teacher based in the United Kingdom. Brian is married to Rosie.
His over twenty books include historical biographies, Christian theology and apologetics. He is also chairman of Christian Prison Resourcing. His wider ministry includes preaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad.
Brian Edwards is the go to author about the bible.