Evolution and the Christian Faith: Theistic evolution in the light of scripture
Debate over the opening chapters of Genesis has continued for over a century and a half since Charles Darwin advanced his revolutionary ideas. Arguments that once raged between liberals and evangelicals are now mainstream evangelical debates. Was there a historical Adam and Eve? An actual Fall (original sin)? What about suffering? And how did the New Testament writers, including the Lord Jesus Christ himself, treat Genesis? Does theistic evolution enhance our understanding of origins and Christian doctrine? Or does it hinder it as some maintain? This book sets out to explore these questions in detail. It assesses the impact of evolutionary thinking in society at large and whether or not theistic evolution is compatible with core Christian doctrines.
Publisher: Day One
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781846256073
Philip Bell trained in the natural sciences (zoology and geology) in the 1980s, then worked for nine years as a postgraduate biomedical scientist in cancer and leukaemia research in Bath. Following teacher training, he taught secondary school science. His work in creation/science apologetics since 2001 has seen him speak in churches throughout the UK and at numerous venues in many countries overseas. The CEO of the Creation Ministries International UK/Europe) since 2007, Philip is also a church elder and an occasional lay- preacher. He is married, with five (mostly adult) children
This is a well researched and written book with plenty of revealing quotes from theistic evolutionists about what they actually believe. The book is well structured into 12 chapters covering the various theological aspects that theistic evolution differs on from the Bible. Phil Bell presents serious theological challenges to theistic evolutionists throughout, while giving the reader more than enough Biblical material to explain and strengthen the Biblical Creationist position. If you really want to push on your thinking on this topic then this is the book for you. Phil Robinson, Chairman, Creation Outreach Ministries