Six Stone Jars: God's Remedy for Fear Worry and Anxiety
SIX STONE JARS addresses Paul’s seemingly impossible instruction in Philippians 4:6 to “not be anxious about anything.” Our natural response is “Just how do I accomplish that?” Scripture tells us how to fill our faith vessels and watch as Jesus turns our obedience into blessings. This book gives six biblical, useful and practical tools to combat those times of fear, worry and anxiety.
Publisher: Focus Publishing
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781885904751
Dan Manningham is a certified Biblical counselor and has served in many church leadership positions and on the board of four mission organizations. He has served in Mali, West Africa, and in Afghanistan as a pilot with PACTEC
I used this book as a basis for a women's Bible Study class, though the book is not a Bible study--it is an application study. It was very well received by the group and they want to do Eight Stone Gates next. I'd chosen Six Stone Jars because it was both practical and Biblical. Even though I'd been a Christian for many years, there were some new concepts for me and applications outlined in a useful format. I'd recommend this to anyone who struggles with anxiety, worry, or confusion over why life is so darned difficult at times. I imagine that includes just about everyone from time to time. Carol