Called to Confess
How can we preserve the important link between public profession of faith and the Lord s Supper without encouraging presumptuous attendance at the Lord s Table? How can we guard against reducing public profession of faith to a mere confession of truth? How can we maintain the proper relationship between baptism and a baptized person s responsibility to profess faith in Christ and show forth His death in the midst of the congregation? How can we encourage ever confessing member to engage in thorough self-examination before coming to the Lord s Table? Conelis Harinck deals with these issues thoroughly and with the maturity born of forty years of pastoral ministry. He interacts profitably with the biblical, confessional, and historical data on confession of faith.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Type: paperback
ISBN: 9781892777287
Cornelis Harinck (b. 1933) has served several churches as minister in the Gereformeerde Gemeenten in The Netherlands over the past four decades, as well as the Netherlands Reformed Church of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey (1971-74). He has written 27 books, including extensive studies on the covenant of grace, the offer of grace in preaching, and a well-known book on how sinners come to Christ.