The voice of faith - Jonathan Edwards theology of prayer
The Voice of Faith explores the sermons and writings of New England divine, Jonathan Edwards, and draws a comprehensive picture of his theology of prayer. Starting with a foundation of who God is-his character and attributes-author Peter Beck illustrates why Edwards believed God would hear the prayers of his people. He also examines Edwards’s view of Christ, the work of the Spirit and the nature of man. Interspersed are three external biographies that set the historical and theological scene in which Edwards was writing.
Publisher: Joshua Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781894400329
Peter Beck serves as Professor of Christian Studies, the Ott Chair of Christian Theology, and Director of the Honors Program at CSU. In addition to his book The Voice of Faith: Jonathan Edwards’ Theology of Prayer, he has published numerous articles on Jonathan Edwards, the Puritans, and Baptist studies. He writes and speaks frequently on the integration of faith and learning. Additionally, Beck has more than 15 years of pastoral experience and currently serves as Lead Pastor of Doorway Baptist Church in North Charleston, S.C.