The Faces of Origins: A Historical Survey of the Underlying Assumptions from the Early Church to the Twenty-First Century, revised
Contemporary scientists, such as Richard Dawkins, have loudly proclaimed that evolutionism is an undeniable fact. They are totally oblivious to the historical reality that the naturalistic underlying assumptions of evolutionism mirror the supernatural ones of creationism. ‘The Faces of Origins’ demonstrates the historical interdependence of these two opposing religious systems in posing answers to the question of the origin of the universe and human life.
Publisher: Joshua Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781894400459
David Herbert, a graduate of London Teachers’ College, is now a retired elementary and secondary history teacher. He received his B.A. from the University of Western Ontario, M.A. from Wheaton College (U.S. A.), M.Div. from Heritage Theological Seminary (Canada) and M. Ed., Ed. D from the University of Toronto. Dr. Herbert has written the Key to Understanding Origins: The Underlying Assumptions, Eternity Before Their Eyes, Worldviews Examined: The Apostle Paul in Athens and Modern University Students and Charles Darwin's Religious Views: From Creationist to Evolutionist. He Is presently researching transhumanism - a movement that believes immortality for humanity cab be achieved though modern technology.
‘This is not another book presenting evidence in favor of creationism as opposed to evolutionism. Rather, the author is showing the philosophical presupposition that existed behind western worldviews through history, with a focus on the question of origins…this is a much needed historical perspective on an ongoing debate.’ Rev Andrew MacLeod