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Marriage Matters

Winston T. Smith

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In Marriage Matters by Winston T. Smith, readers find a hopeful resource on the transcendent purposes of God at work in their marriages. This powerful, transformative book addresses the extraordinary way God works in the seemingly mundane moments in a marriage. By offering practical help and biblical insight, Marriage Matters helps couples consider their own expectations and reactions when things go wrong. Change begins with seeing day-to-day interactions from a different perspective, taking simple steps to love each other more effectively, and then learning how to take those steps over and over again. Interactions that used to devolve into pointless annoyances and fights can become an opportunity for God's activity and love to become increasingly evident and powerful. The principles in this book will take your marriage to extraordinary places and lead you into a deeper relationship with an extraordinary God. Don't settle for an ordinary marriage. Learn to live out God's extraordinary love in your most intimate relationship.

Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781935273615


Winston T. Smith, MDiv, is a faculty member and counselor at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), has extensive experience as a marriage and family counselor, and teaches seminary students how to counsel couples. He is the author of the book and curriculum Marriage Matters, and the minibooks Divorce Recovery, Help for Stepfamilies, Help! My Spouse Committed Adultery, The Problem with Masturbation, Who Does the Dishes?, and Burned Out.


"Marriage Matters is a helpful resource for couples to understand God's purposes for marriage as well as to think through their own expectations and reactions when things go wrong. I especially liked Section 2 where the practical application of biblical truths was fleshed out in specific ways. The chapter, 'Person or Object, Honor or Manipulation,' should be mandatory reading for every married person." Leslie Vernick, Counselor; speaker; author of How to Act Right When Your Spouse Acts Wrong and The Emotionally Destructive Relationship