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Enhancing Marital Oneness, Five Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

Armand & Kathy Tiffe

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God wants a husband and wife to grow in marital oneness, to experience a deep connection with each other. So, what does it take to experience marital oneness? It’s enhanced when a husband and wife touch (i.e., connect) in five significant areas. Armand and Kathy Tiffe offer practical and tangible ways for a husband and wife to experience intimate companionship in Enhancing Marital Oneness.

Publisher: Focus publishing
Type: Booklet
ISBN: 9781936141623


Armand Tiffe is Pastor Emeritus of Cornerstone Community Church in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. He was Cornerstone’s founding pastor and senior pastor for 26 years until retiring from that role. He continues to serve at Cornerstone overseeing its Biblical Counseling and Training Center. Armand is a certified biblical counselor and instructor of biblical counseling for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He and his wife Kathy are blessed with two adult children, their spouses, and five grandchildren. Armand and Kathy's website can be found at
