Nothing Is Impossible with God: Reflections on Weakness Faith and Power
No one likes to feel weak. Just thinking about our inadequate resources can fill us with fear and hopelessness. But Rose Marie Miller has a different perspective. For her true weakness is a gift born out of a deep sense of need, it drives us to Christ and unleashes all the redeeming energy of God’s grace in our lives and others. Rose Marie Miller, a living example of God’s power in weakness, weaves together biblical insights and personal experience and shares a new, gospel-driven way of living where the way up is down, the weak become strong, and the dead receive life. God, for whom nothing is impossible, uses weak people to change the world.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781936768684
Rose Marie Miller, Bible teacher; conference speaker; missionary with World Harvest Mission; author of From Fear to Freedom: Living as Sons and Daughters of God and Nothing Is Impossible with God: Reflections on Weakness, Faith, and Power; and coauthor of The Gospel-Centered Parent. Rose Marie and her late husband Jack Miller worked together to plant the New Life Presybyterian Churches and begin Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission). She has five children, twenty-four grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren and divides her time between London, England and Jenkintown, PA.
"Thank you, Rose Marie, for turning my thoughts to 'God, the consummate gardener' our God who is with us. And thank you for your powerful words that challenge me to know forgiveness and to forgive, to rest in Jesus when I am weak and desperate, and to persevere in prayer. You met your goal for this book: perhaps I am finally ready to grow in that counterintuitive life in which I spend more time with Jesus when days are especially hectic." Edward T. Welch, CCEF Faculty; licensed psychologist; author of Shame Interrupted