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150 Questions about the Psalter: What You Need to Know about the Songs God Wrote

Bradley Johnston

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Who wrote the Psalms? What are their groups and genres? Can we find Jesus in the Psalter? How can we use these ancient songs today? In the style of a catechism, this book draws you into the majestic, meditative depths of the inspired songs of God. Divided into seven short sections, 150 questions and answers address the content and arrangement of the Psalter, Psalm genres and groupings, the historical context of the author, the Psalms' relationship to the rest of Scripture and the life of Christ, and their use in private and public worship. Appendixes include worksheets and charts and quotations from theologians and church fathers

Publisher: Crown & Covenant Publications
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781943017027


Bradley Johnston is a pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America and a graduate of Crossroads Bible College, World Journalism Institute and the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan have four children and live in Kansas.


‘What is unique about the psalter compared to other books of praise? Which of the Psalms are directly applied to Christ in the New Testament? What seven special collections of psalms can be identified in the Psalter? What psalm can be sung when we are afraid? This booklet gives me a winsome reminder and a powerful testimony to the multitude of information and blessing in the Bible's book of Psalms. I learned some new things and new ways of organizing the Psalms in my head. But even more important, this booklet helped me mine the spiritual riches of the Psalms, helping me to read and sing them with greater understanding and depth and giving me greater awe for our glorious God.’ Drew Gordon