The Book of Books: The Value of the Scriptures in a Day of Bible Bending, Bible Breaking, and Bible Believing
The Book of Books is a collection of essays about the primacy and vitality of the Word of God. The clear message is to love, to know, and to follow God's written Word. The book was first assembled in 1978 to honor J.G. Vos Bible teacher, Reformed theologian, pastor, and missionary and his passionate work for God's kingdom. Contributors include Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Cornelius Van Til, J.G. Vos, and John H. White. New to this edition: a photograph section; a new preface; an introduction that explores the effects of Vos's time in China on today's burgeoning Chinese church.
Publisher: Crown & Covenant Publications
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9781943017300
‘Geerhardus Vos and his renowned son Johannes G. Vos have left a lasting legacy that continues to shape biblically-minded Presbyterianism. J. G. Vos's father, known as the father of Reformed Biblical Theology, was blessed with a son who not only defended the Bible and Biblical Christianity, but whose life and ministry also manifested the beauty and power of Reformed Biblical Theology. As a scholar, a missionary to Manchuria, and an educator, J. G. Vos showed his profound commitment to the Bible. To him, the Bible was nothing less than The Book of Books. These articles edited by John H. White bring together scholars from the past and the present who not only value the Scriptures as did Vos, but who also reveal the rich continuity of faith and life that links the Old Princeton, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Geneva College. This is a must read for those who cherish the Presbyterian heritage of Biblical fidelity, devout scholarship, and global missions.’ Peter A. Lillback, president, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.