Before the Foundation of the World: Doctrines of God's Free Grace
In this small book, Jeffrey T. Riddle wonderfully introduces the doctrines of God’s free grace, showing how they are clearly Scriptural and have been staunchly defended throughout the 2,000 year history of the church. He explains how they impact the Christian life, hr deals with common questions about and challenges to them, and throughout, he points us to our glorious, gracious, merciful, faithful and almighty Triune God who sent his only-begotten Son to die for us whilst we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8). If you love the doctrines of grace, be refreshed by the springs of God’s electing grace in this book, and if you aren’t yet convinced, come and consider the case for God’s work of salvation before the foundation of the world.
Publisher: Broken Wharfe
Type: Hardback
ISBN: 9798328478465
Jeffrey T. Riddle has served as pastor of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Louisa, Virginia, since 2010. He is a graduate of Wake Forest University (BA), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Union Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PhD in New Testament). He blogs at and hosts the Word Magazine podcast. He has written or contributed to several books, including John Owen on Scripture: Authority, Inspiration, Preservation (2019). He has also written scholarly articles and book reviews for various publications.
"With the renewed interest in the Doctrines of Grace around the world in recent years, Jeff Riddle has put us in his debt by producing this up-to-date and modest, yet comprehensive, exposition on the subject. He points out that the doctrine (singular) of God’s grace in salvation is composed of several foundational and inter-related doctrines (plural). The introduction of the book sketches the history of the formulation of these doctrines and the central place it occupies in Reformed and biblical theology, summarised under the acronym TULIP. Each of the ‘five points’ is expounded in the subsequent chapters by showing its scriptural basis and meaning, followed by answers to common objections, and the conclusion of the matter. This book will be helpful to those who are new to the Doctrines of Grace, and a helpful resource for teaching the biblical doctrine of salvation in the mid-week Bible Study in church, in a church camp, and among Christian students in the campus." Poh Boon Sing, Pastor, Damansara Reformed Baptist Church, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia